Virus: Netsky
Full Name: W32.Netsky.B@mm
Discovered: February 18, 2004
At Risk: Windows users
- A mass-mailing
worm that distributes itself to e-mail addresses found on
a host's computer
- Duplicates
itself to all found drives C through Z with folder names "Share"
or "Sharing"
- E-mails
will contain .exe or .zip attachments containing an extension
of .txt, .rtf, .doc, .htm, .exe, or .scr, .com, or .pif. Note
these may be found as double-extensions.
and Repair: Click
here for removal tool |
Virus: Beagle (B)
Full Name: W32.Beagle.B@mm
Discovered: February 17, 2004
At Risk: Windows users
- A mass-mailing
worm that communicates with remote Web sites and sends e-mail
to all addresses found in your computer
- Opens
a backdoor on TCP port 8866
- E-mail
subject: "<random characters>...
- E-mail
attachment: "<random
- The worm
will only work until February 25th, 2004
and Repair: Click
here for a removal tool |
Virus: Mydoom
Full Name: W32.Mydoom.A@mm
Discovered: January 26, 2004
At Risk: Windows users
- A mass-mailing
worm that distributes itself to e-mail addresses found on
a host's computer
- E-mail
attachments contain an extension of .bat, .cmd, .exe, .pif,
.scr, or .zip.
- Icons
will be custom, likely appearing as
- Opens
TCP ports 3127 thru 3198, allowing an attacker to connect
to the computer to gain access to network resources.
- Will
stop spreading on February 12, 2004.
and Repair: Click
here for removal instructions. |
Virus: Beagle
Full Name: W32.Beagle.A@mm
Discovered: January 18, 2004
At Risk: Windows users
- A mass-mailing
worm that communicates with remote Web sites and sends e-mail
to all addresses found in your computer
- E-mail
subject is "Hi"
- E-mail
body contains "test : )"
- E-mail
attachment is randomly named with the extention ".exe"
- The worm
will only work until January 28th, 2004
and Repair: Click
here for a removal tool |
Virus: Bugbear
Full Name: W32.Bugbear.B@mm
Discovered: June 4, 2003
At Risk: Windows users
- Infects
when reading or previewing an infected e-mail message
- Terminates
anti-virus and firewall
- Sends
passwords and other sensitive data to one of ten public e-mail
- Floods
network resources causing printers to print garbage
and Repair: Click
here for a removal tool |
Virus: Mimail
Full Name: W32.Mimail.J@mm
Discovered: November 17, 2003
At Risk: Windows users
and Repair: Click
here for a removal tool |
Virus: Swen
Full Name: W32.Swen.A@mm
Discovered: September 18, 2003
At Risk: Windows users
Spreads via file sharing networks such as KaZaA and IRC
or an e-mail attachment
Infects when reading or previewing an infected e-mail message
to install a false Microsoft Security Update; Selecting
"yes" or "no" will install the virus:
and Repair: Click
here for a removal tool |
Virus: Welchia
Full Name: W32.Welchia.Worm
Discovered: August 18, 2003
At Risk: Windows 2000 and XP users
Spreads via the Internet, not e-mail
a patch from Microsoft's Windows Update site, installs it,
then reboots the computer
to remove the Blaster virus
and Repair: Click
here for a removal tool |
Virus: Blaster
Full Name: W32.Blaster.Worm
Discovered: August 11, 2003
At Risk: Windows 2000 and XP users
and Repair: Click
here for a removal tool |